Leadership In Training - Summer Mountain Bike Camp


Rad Adventures Leadership in Training

This is an opportunity for youth to shine as a leader! Based out of Rad Adventures’ Petun Conservation location right beside Three Stage, this camp prepares your child for many faucets of life as a leader. Watch your teenager’s confidence, perspective, maturity and growth soar as they expand their comfort zone, learn new skills, develop independence, and learn to motivate and lead others, work as a team and foster cooperation.

Participants in this program will learn leadership fundamentals including trip and activity planning, risk management, safety, group management, conflict resolution skills, communication and persuasion skills, teaching basic first aid on trails, and key skills of teaching youth how to have fun on a bike!

In addition to leadership training activities, participants will spend lots of time on their bikes learning to navigate Three Stage Mountain Bike Area. Participants will learn the fundamentals of mountain biking and teach those skills to youth. Participants will also have the opportunity to mentor younger participants in our other programs during the week, and of course will have the opportunity to ride our signature Radtrax ramps! 

In order to qualify to be in this program, participants must have a lightweight, quality bike from a bike store that specifically sells quality bikes and must be able to keep up with fast-moving group. Before signing up, please ensure your child can ride on advanced, rocky, rooty, technical terrain and can easily ride more than 15 kms in a ride without tiring. 

This is a great opportunity to gain some key experience and skills that look amazing on a resume.

Rad Adventures hires junior coaches starting as volunteers from ages 12 - 16, and paid positions from ages 15 and up. In our hiring process, we choose coaches who have graduated from our LIT program first.

Georgian Triangle Angler's Association Hatchery
Petun Conservation Area (lower parking lot)

675485 2nd Line, Town of the Blue Mountains (map​)
GPS: X-555074, Y-4921761

8 Minutes from Collingwood. From Collingwood, travel west on Sixth Street to Osler Bluffs Road/County Road 34. Turn left and travel south to Grey Road 19. Turn right and follow Grey Road 19 to the 2nd Line. Turn left and follow the 2nd Line for approximately 0.5 km, at the base of the hill of the escarpment. The parking lot is on the left.


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